Monday, October 26, 2009

Something of an Introduction

So I've decided to start a blog. Actually that's a bit of a lie. I had a blog back in high school - long before it became the trendy thing to do. I discussed all sorts of important stuff: lamenting those long, hard cheerleading practices, wondering how I should do my hair for prom, recapping the countless adventures I had with my friends, and telling the world that I had a love/hate relationship with calculus. Obviously this was important stuff. Earth shattering really. I've tried unsuccessfully to find this blog, but its probably for the best that no amount of google searching will bring it up. I'm sure I would cringe at my word choice and at all the drama that I was so sure would be the end of me at the time.

Maybe someday I will look back at this blog and laugh again at my younger self. The single girl who wonders if Mr. Right does in fact exist. The young professional who has no idea if she has what it takes to make it in this 'grown up' world. The twenty-something who found herself living in a city full of people that don't just flaunt their money, they seem to worship it. Maybe someday it will be funny to see what worried me, what amused me, what drove me to the decisions I ultimately made.

But until that day I think I'll use this blog as a means of expression and as a way to channel my creative side. Because here's a little bit of information about me: I'm a tax accountant. Yep, I do taxes. How's that for excitement? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the job but I've always had a bit of a passion for writing and I think its time to put away the 10 key long enough to let the words flow. But man I sure do love my 10 key...

So I hope you will join me in this adventure, and hopefully I'll say something funny or worthwhile every now and then. And if not, then I can always talk about taxes. Because really...who doesn't want to read about those?