Wednesday, February 3, 2010

One Month in to 2010

And I'm back. Although I'm afraid I don't have much to say. Which I'm fairly certain is due to the fact that nobody is actually reading this blog. Which begs the question: If I write a blog, and nobody is around to read it...did I really blog?

Right. Anyway. Moving on.

So far this has been a really good year. I've decided that this year is "Twenty Ten - the Year of Jenn." Clever, right? Originally it was "2010- The Year of Men" because I have high hopes of meeting someone great. But alas, I decided that I needed to not focus on my love life (or lack thereof?) and instead focus on myself. So this is the year that I'm going to do all sorts of things that make me happy! Go skiing for the first time in almost 20 years? Check. Run a half- marathon? Yes please. Finally get involved in a bible study? Already signed up. Go on dates just for the sake of getting back out there? You bet. Take another trip to Vegas to celebrate the up-coming wedding of one of my oldest and best friends? Absolutely. Learn to cook and to enjoy the process as much as the end result? Looking forward to it. Take up biking? As long as I can afford the bike! Take an acting class? Ok, actually I'm going to have to talk myself into that one. But you get the point.

So here's to trying new things and learning a little bit more about myself in the process. Here's to 2010!

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